Sunday, April 5, 2009


This weekend I had a good ride of a couple of hours and then a 6 mile run. Felt pretty beat, but expected I would. It was a cold morning, but a great wildlife ride – several deer, a coyote, the honk of geese, and the chirping of frogs. If only that noise could drown out the sound of my gasping for air.

Want to help keep me motivated!? Make a donation to support the MAC Ride at! The site is up and running now, and we are off to a very good start in our efforts to support the work of CASANA.

My wife recently spoke with a woman whose young son was significantly delayed in his speech. Unfortunately, the family seemed to be moving very slowly, too slowly, in getting their son assessed by a professional. The mother stated, “I think he might just be lazy” in regards to his very limited speech. That is really upsetting to hear. One universal truth all parents in these situations need to understand is “my child is doing the best he of she can given the circumstances”. Once you accept this, a lot of stress comes off of you and it makes it easier to focus on the work ahead.